You know, admitting an addiction is the first sign to treatment. However, studies show that those who are Geneaholics do NOT want treatment. There is no cure for this kind of addiction. We have it. We like it. We want more....More names for our GEDCOMs. More dates for those ancestors born in 1700 and are (according to our family tree software, still alive!) We want answers! How could Uncle Barnard be on the census record in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusettes on 4 May 1870 AND in Plattsburg, Clinton County, Missouri on 5 May 1870? More Information. We need More INPUT! Geneaholics are a strange breed. We don't seem normal to the rest of the world. We know things that happened 100 years ago, but can't remember things that happened earlier today. Yet, tomorrow, we will have a documentation. Most "normal" folks, when they get divorced (especially an ugly one), they burn their marriage license. Not a Geneaholic. We keep every document that comes across our hands. Many Geneaholics have important documents that don't even pertain to them or their ancestors.
What's Diagnosis: Geneaholic?
We are NOT here to "cure" you. Only to help you realize what your addiction is called and to let you know that you ARE NOT alone. Many of us suffer from this. We will continue to find others like us and let them know that geneaholism is nothing to be ashamed of.